There’s still time to register for the conference on the circular economy which will take place on Tuesday 19 June at 6:30 pm at the International CleanTech Week in the park of the Imperial in Annecy.

Jean-Luc Rigaut, President of the Grand Annecy, Thomas Meszaros,Vice President Territorial Prospective, Europe and Contractual Policies, and Christian Rophille, Vice President Waste Recovery are pleased to invite you to the conference “Let’s enter the loop of the circular economy“, in partnership with the International CleanTech Week on Tuesday 19 June 2018 at 6:30 pm in the park of the Imperial in Annecy.
With the participation of:
Sonia Brasier-Pontet, Director of the company Nantet,
Anne-Sophie Chamoy, Energy Pool Strategy and Public Affairs Director
Thierry Perrier, former CEO of Guichon Valves, Founder and CEO of Sagarana,
Jérôme d’Assigny, Ademe Regional Director,
Round table hosted by Shabnam Anvar, Coordinator of the Zéro Gaspillage Pays de Savoie project.
Access: International CleanTech Week
74 000 Annecy
Platform on the lake